Sunday, December 15, 2013

A different way of measuring time..

Eight months have flown by!    Without the normal seasonal queues we are accustomed to seeing Tom and I both were surprised that Christmas is upon us.  The passage of time here is different In NC spring is marked with tulips, crocus and daffodils in February and March

 April and May is welcomed by Dogwoods, Redbuds and cherry blossoms 

June, July, August and September.. roses in abundance, Crepe Myrtles, Black Eyed Susan’s, petunias, lantana and so much more 

October and November are resplendent with all the flowers in their final push of blooming defying the frost to come and kill them and the amazing colors of the leaves heralding the onset of crisp frosty mornings that take your breath away for just a moment then invigorates. 

December the hustle of Christmas preparations, anticipating time with family, the possibility of a “snow”.

I am finding the ebb and flow of time much different here at GSF.  I no longer measure time by the change of seasons and holidays, I now measure it by how a child is improving with the loving care of all here

seeing the march of the toddlers out for their morning walk 

By how many kids are on campus when school is in session 

Seeing all the school children lined up for porridge in the morning, hearing their shouts and laughter as they gather for school. 

 Knowing when children will be away on home stays during the holiday and that the campus will be much quieter I pray each day that God would allow me the grace to appreciate this new way of measuring time and learn lessons that draw me closer to Him.  

I know God measures time different than I do. How does He measure my time? Of the 24 hours I have been given, does He measure it by how many I spend with Him or the “seasons” of my life when I am not attentive to His Spirit that lives with in me? I am thankful for the assurance that the God of all creation has measured my time even before I was given this “life time” I am His masterpiece, uniquely created for the work He wants to accomplish through me.

I pray each day that God would allow me the grace to appreciate this new way of measuring time… Time with Him… and learn lessons that draw me closer to Him.  These days He has given me are not my own, this life He has given is not my own… they belong to Him.  I am to use this time to love and commune with God and love others in His name.
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. 


  1. Thanks Sharon for this wonderful perspective. I thank God that you are there, investing in EACH of those little ones…YOU ARE making a difference, both of you. I miss you BIG BIG….but thank God that you are right where you are!!! Love YOU BOTH……Judy

  2. We are God's masterpiece. What a shining example you are!
    Love you both!

  3. I missed this one inspired and encouraged by you and Tom. I know that your lives are in many ways much more difficult, but I also know in many ways they are much more blessed. I wish we could meet for a long dinner and talk, I miss you and your sweet spirit. Love you friend!
